Burnt's blog thing

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Whine and complain

Thought I'd catch up with the rest of the Chort, so here's my post full 'o' whining, bitching, moaning and complaining...

First off, I haven't gotten around to the discussion/review thing yet. Last night I was doing a rescan of the books, then today... well, it's been a bit insane. Spent 2 1/2 hours this mornin' gettin' my kids registered for school, then had to give a class in scanning when I got in (this is a scanner, you put paper on it...) Have to get to it tonight, I guess.

First thing this morning I got up, and grabbed my phone to sync it with my PC. It was then I realized that the damn thing had performed a hard reboot on itself, and all my info was wiped off the ROM. So I put it all back in, getting a message about low battey even though it was at 83%, and resync it. Hit the HP website to see what the problem could be. Saw there was a new BIOS flash for it, which would supposedly sole the problem. I flash it, and... all my info disappeared. Had to put it all back in. What's even more amusing is that Microsoft ActiveSync wouldn't recognize it after each operation, so I now have three different sync folders on my desktop, all for the same phone, which the system doesn't think is the same phone... Argggh... Yet another reason to intensely dislike Bill's corporate giant.

Tomorrow I'm tag-teaching a class. It's an hour and a half long, with three of us in on it. There's three of us, so it was supposed to be about 25 minutes per, allowing for questions. I did my 5 PowerPoint slides, our former Acquisitions librarian did her five... then our Digital Cataloger got in on it and added 30-some more to the mix. So I'm guessing that my 25 minutes is more like 5. Oh, well, at least I'm getting paid for it.

To top it all off, I'm basically at a standstill at work. My Commissioner, who's an MBA, not an MLS, is having issues with "disbinding". In the case she's most concerned about, though, all they did was cut the stitches to relax the gutter, then ship it back to us in a nice acid-free box, ready to go into the Rare Books Room. My Director, who does have an MLS, freaked out over the whole issue and ran about screaming that she was losing her job, instead of trying to explain that disbinding is standard procedure for certain cases in both filming and scanning, and that we weren't willy-nilly guillotining the piss out of things. Added to that, she brought up the idea that maybe we should be driving these things to the vendor, in Wisconsin, instead of shipping them via UPS. So, not only can we not disbind, the Commissioner's not even sure if we can ship things out of the building. Ican neither scan, nor plan for outsourcing, 'cause we're in "all systems stop" mode. I have a meeting with the Comissioner, my boss, my Assistant Director, the Digital Cataloger, and the Director on Tuesday. Hopefully we can sort it out then.

Can't think of anything else to bitch about. Don't have any fun links. Go see another blog for entertainment. Tapatcha later.


At 12:49 PM, Blogger Stefanie said...

If I could put sounds on here, I would add the wa waaaaaaa sound (you know- like Debbie Downer). Hang in there, Billfee- the cohort is rooting for you. Har har har.

At 5:54 PM, Blogger Just another Sample said...

I didn't know that Nicholson Baker has an MBA. When did he start at your joint?


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