Burnt's blog thing

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Tappin' away

at the Scout Portal. Got 24 outta the 25, but wanna add a couple extra (I'm also the guy who used to do the 25 page 12 page paper). It's not too bad, gotten used to it, moments I almost like it (kinda scary, those moments). Almost got the del.ici.ous as well- still way behind on the Connotea, but at least that one's easier to do. Life still taken over by house settlement- supposed to happen 1:00 on Tuesday.

Found some cool things while surfing about looking for stuff to add. Printed a few of the ones that had already been added by 300,000 people, and some of the really good ones that I did add, for later parusal when I have a life again. Or something. Anywho, in the interest of interesting links, I leave you with the link to the H.P. Lovecraft Archive- it's got all kindsa nifty things about the man's works and the literary circle that grew up around it and him. Frankly, if you like creepy, low gore atmospheric horror you've already heard of him, if not you probably won't like him. The link's http://www.hplovecraft.com/. Click away, and look out for the shoggoths.


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