Burnt's blog thing

Monday, April 23, 2007


'nuff said.

Thursday, April 19, 2007


For those of you who miss the 80s and David Hasslehoff (c'mon, there's gotta be one somewhere), here's a nifty clip from an Italian film vaguely translated as Stellar Crash Beyond the Third Dimension. I had girlfirends back then who didn't wear this much eye makeup (okay, not many, but who's counting). Enjoy

The Lost...

and probably deservedly so, 1994 Roger Corman version of the Fantastic Four. Think about this one the next time you bitch about the latest multi-million dollar big studio version...

Thursday, April 12, 2007

The obligatory cat vid

Just Bjorkin' off

Aaron Williams, the Nodwick guy

Okay, the guy's gone a little disco bonkers today. Here's some Star Wars themed disco from his blog... you can thank him for the last one, too

Star Wars Disco

I hate disco...

passionately. Something about growing up in the late 70s, early 80s, when Disco Duck was considered a cool single for kids. That said, this was too amusing not to share

It's raining 300 men

Going to the Slaughterhouse

Kurt Vonnegut, author of Slaughterhouse 5 along with a shitload of other things, is dead at 84. Click here for details. Turns out he somehow managed to damage his brain a few weeks back, and it finally killed him.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Expandin' yer horizons

Now broken up, but this was globe, from Japan. Tune is Anytime Smokin' Cigarette.