Burnt's blog thing

Friday, February 02, 2007

Amusing fatherly moment

So, we're driving back from Harrisburg yesterday, my wife, myself, and my youngest. I was bored, so I kicked in the tape of Irish rebel tunes that I keep in the car. To my great amusment (and a tad bit of pride), my 6 year old daughter starts singing along with the SAM Song (see vid below) and pumping her arms while singing the chorus. She slaughtered the Tiocfaidh ar la, but it's a start- she knew all the words otherwise.

'course, wifee's hoping she doesn't start singing this one:

Rock on, Rockall


At 11:21 AM, Blogger Just another Sample said...

Thatta girl! She must have the blessed Craic!

There is also a Puerto Rican nationalist movement that may interest your wife more than the Irish version.

At 11:53 AM, Blogger Burntdisk said...

She's actually grown quite fond of the rebel songs. I think the issues was "The natural gas will burn your ass an blow you all to hell". I agree that it's not the kinda thing you want to pop outta your kid's mouth while she's sitting in kindergarten

At 12:14 PM, Blogger Just another Sample said...

Way to be, spreading the word and all.

I listen to the stuff all the time and most of my friend laugh at me.


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