Burnt's blog thing

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Tiocfaidh ár lá

Today's the 85th anniversary of the birth of the Irish Free State. The signing of the Anglo-Irish Treaty actually took place in January of 1922.

Here's the opening blurb from History.com (the whole article can be found here)

"The Irish Free State, comprising four-fifths of Ireland, is declared, ending a five-year Irish struggle for independence from Britain. Like other autonomous nations of the former British Empire, Ireland was to remain part of the British Commonwealth, symbolically subject to the king. The Irish Free State later severed ties with Britain and was renamed Ýire, and is now called the Republic of Ireland."

'course, the bloody fuckheads then proceeded to take on the IRA, drove them underground, and have been useless as Pamela Anderson tits on a caterpillar, but it's a start of some sort.

"And it's up along the bogside is where I long to be
Lying in the dark with a Provo company
A comrade on me left and another one on me right
And a clip of ammunition for me little Armalite!"


At 6:04 AM, Blogger Just another Sample said...

Dev and his marry band of compromisers! Way to go Collins, signing away the north for your own gains. Opportunists, the whole lot of them.

At 9:11 AM, Blogger Burntdisk said...

The name Vichy pops into my head for some reason...

At 12:59 PM, Blogger Just another Sample said...

Veni, vidi?

The freestaters sold their Northern brothers and sisters to the Brits in my opinion. They were appeasers, and it was unacceptable. The war, while lasting longer, would have succeeded in achieving the elusive United Erie if they continued the fight.

De Valera is the worst of them all. Sending Collins to sign what he knew was an unacceptable treaty so he could escape the wrath.

Another thing about Dev is the fact that he wanted a kind of Catholic Theocracy in Ireland as well, complete with a cathedral on every corner.

We was almost sectarian if you ask me.

At 1:32 PM, Blogger Just another Sample said...

first off, I meant Eire.

Secondly, I meant "he" was sectarian, not "we"

I need to slow down a bit.

At 2:54 PM, Blogger Burntdisk said...

Good show. I did, however, like the United Erie comment. Gives me the thought of some punk country in the NW of Pennsyltucky


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